A New Journey
I can now share this exciting news with you —
Travel Noire is now a part of the Blavity family.
Since the very beginning of Travel Noire’s life, I knew that I wanted to build something special. Something that didn’t conform to any of the conventional rules. I wanted to transform the way people thought about work and travel. To show people of color that travel was for them too. To debunk the notion that coworkers could never actually function as family. I wanted to build a small empire. A small giant. Something that wasn’t too big, but something that felt just right.
And for four years, God graced us to do the unimaginable — build an award-winning company, host thousands of people in different countries around the world, work from wherever we felt the most happy & inspired, set our own hours, take advantage of unlimited vacations & put a little dent in the world of travel. It’s been a crazy ride.
To say that there is nothing that quite prepares you for entrepreneurship is an understatement. I’ve laughed until my face hurt. I’ve cried many tears. I’ve been at peace & in turmoil. I’ve wanted to quit so many times. I’ve tried my best to hold up fellow entrepreneurs in their moments of need & they’ve held me up in mine.
If I know one thing for certain, it’s that God orchestrated all of this for His glory. I can’t wait to tell the story when the time is right, but for now, I take comfort in walking side by side with Him in this new season.
When you set out with a vision, there are always people who join in. There are those you learn from, those you love, those who challenge you & those who teach. I’ve been accompanied by some remarkable people over the past four years — to which this level of success would not have otherwise been attainable.
A person with a vision can only do so much. The real work happens when vision is matched with action. And to those folks who matched, I am eternally grateful. A massive thank you goes out to the Travel Noire staff, advisors, fellows and volunteers. You’ve made running this company one of the most transformative journeys to date.
To our amazing partners, extended team members & vendors all around the world, it has been my highest honor to work alongside with you to deliver unrivaled, transformative experiences around the world. You are the heartbeat of what we’ve been able to create. Thank you.
To our extended contractor family, you’ve brought a level of richness to Travel Noire that is difficult to fully explain. From copy, to design, to development, to process, thank you for your voice & your skill.
Actually. There aren’t enough thank you’s that I could write to share my deep gratitude for the sacrifice, love & time you all have spent making this brand great. My love runs deep for each of you.
To our clients who have taught us so much over the past few years, your love of this brand transcends space and time. I have not always gotten it right, but I humbly thank you for your continued love, correction and support.
Note: If you’re still an active client (Compass or TN Experiences), absolutely nothing changes for you. We will still continue to serve you as if nothing has changed.
And to those who love Travel Noire and have contributed in any way (a like, an email, a comment, a share), thank you. You are the reason we do what we do, and why we continue to press forward.
Morgan DeBaun. From SF in 2014 to now, your continued love, support & vision is a humble reminder that if one wins, we all win. Thank you for the sometimes thankless work that accompanies being an entrepreneur. The endless sacrifice. The loneliness. The tears. The seclusion. The uncertainty. The late nights. Thank you for the invitations, the encouragement & the phone calls that last for hours. Thank you for your tenacity. Many people thought you were crazy, but it’s the life we live! We just sell visions. Thank you for leading this charge & completing what you started. Love you.
To the Blavity team, thank you. Period. I’m excited to build. Let’s get to work.